In the last few years, AAC blocks have become a popular sustainable building material. These are being used in the construction industry in a widespread manner. These are lining up with the emerging construction trends today and are being used by many homeowners, contractors and builders increasingly, due to greater awareness, infrastructure growth and demand for affordable, eco-friendly structures. Many people have started to ask whether the use of AAC blocks and other eco-friendly materials is finally taking everyone in the construction industry towards a sustainable future. Read on and find out the answer.
Use of environment-friendly materials
Made of fly ash and other recycled materials, AAC blocks have started a trend. Not only AAC blocks, one can see Recycled plastic, Reclaimed wood, Recycled steel, Hempcrete, Bamboo, Straw bales, Cork, Rammed Earth and many other types of eco-friendly construction materials in use today.
These are helping to introduce more sustainability and create an ethical, environment-friendly construction industry. Other than helping to preserve the environment, these are adding more character to structures that are being erected.
Reducing energy consumption
The use of AAC blocks and other eco-friendly construction materials are helping to reduce the need for energy anyway, especially for heating and cooling purposes. Realizing these benefits, contractors are also trying to reduce energy consumption with the help of useful technologies that can reduce the need for manpower.
Other than striving to protect the environment with the use of sustainable materials, they are trying to plan activities in such a way that fewer workers are being needed and overall energy consumption is being reduced. With drones, BIM, robots, AR/VR simulations and other technologies, construction wastage is being minimized.
Less use of water
When compared to traditional red clay bricks and other construction materials, AAC blocks need significantly less water. In construction activities, these help to conserve more water. This is encouraging manufacturers and suppliers to move towards sustainability in a big way. They are putting in efforts and using eco-friendly production practices that minimize the use of water and other environmental resources.
As more and more companies are embracing these trends, it appears to be quite likely that such changes will become the norm and not be regarded as an anomaly anymore. Minimizing planetary resources is the key to ensuring a more sustainable future.
Using eco-friendly practices
Non-toxic, energy-saving and using much less raw materials, AAC blocks have become an eco-friendly choice for contractors and homeowners. These are also bringing in a subtle change in consciousness and helping everybody to make choices that can preserve the environment. With eco-friendly packaging, supporting green initiatives and practices like rainwater harvesting, biophilic designs and green buildings, manufacturers, contractors, suppliers, architects and everyone concerned are bringing in a sustainable revolution.
As of now, it appears to be quite likely that the construction industry is headed for a sustainable future. With AAC blocks and other eco-friendly materials being used increasingly for the construction of homes, roads, flyovers and various infrastructural projects, things appear to be quite positive when it comes to the sustainability of this sector.