
AAC Blocks

Why AAC Blocks Are Used To Construct Buildings That Cater To Senior Citizens’ Needs?

Buildings for the older population are designed to accommodate their needs, providing them with comfort, safety, and accessibility. In recent years, AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks have gained popularity as a preferred choice for constructing buildings for senior citizens to cling to a peaceful ambience to live in. Made of natural materials like lime, sand, cement, and water, these apparently lightweight construction materials are regarded as ideal for creating spaces that cater to the needs of elderly people. Here are 5 reasons why.

  1. Helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, all-season

AAC blocks have excellent thermal insulation properties. These help to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year. These construction materials have low thermal conductivity enabling them to regulate heat flow and reduce energy consumption.

In hot climates, AAC blocks provide insulation against external heat. These ensure that the interiors are cool. In colder regions, these construction blocks help retain heat, keeping the interior warm and comfortable. This thermal insulation provides a pleasant and energy-efficient living environment for senior citizens.

  1. Helps prevent dampness, molds, and mildew

Dampness and the growth of molds and mildew can have adverse effects on the health and well-being of older adults. AAC blocks have a high resistance to moisture penetration. These prevent dampness and the growth of molds and mildew. This is especially crucial in areas with high humidity levels.

When these materials are used for construction, buildings for seniors can maintain a dry and healthy indoor environment, free from the harmful effects of dampness and mold.

  1. Helps with acoustic insulation

Buildings for seniors should provide older adults with a quiet, peaceful living environment. These have excellent acoustic insulation properties, helping to reduce noise transmission between rooms and from outside sources.

This is particularly important in multi-story buildings or areas with high noise pollution. AAC blocks in construction help create a tranquil and noise-free living space, promoting relaxation and well-being for older adults.

  1. Keeps buildings unaffected by environmental elements

AAC blocks are highly durable and resistant to environmental elements like fire, pests, and rot. These are non-combustible and do not release toxic gases when exposed to fire. Further, as these are not attractive to pests such as termites, it is easier to keep buildings safe from structural damage.

The durability and resilience of these blocks make them a reliable choice for constructing buildings for seniors, ensuring the longevity and safety of the structures.

  1. Keeps buildings safer during earthquakes

Earthquakes pose a significant risk to buildings, especially in regions prone to seismic activities. AAC blocks have excellent seismic resistance due to their lightweight nature and high strength. The cellular structure of these construction materials allows them to absorb and dissipate the energy generated during earthquakes, reducing the risk of structural damage. It improves the safety and structural integrity of buildings. Seniors can get more peace of mind.

Clearly, the numerous advantages of AAC blocks make them an ideal choice for buildings for seniors. These can go a long way to promote the well-being and quality of life for older adults.

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